Harnessing the power of massively parallel computing architectures
Harnessing the power of massively parallel computing architectures
Enabling high-fidelity simulations of complex materials
Enabling high-fidelity simulations of complex materials
Elucidating reaction mechanisms in synergy with experiments
Elucidating reaction mechanisms in synergy with experiments
Predicting the dynamic behavior of catalysts
Predicting the dynamic behavior of catalysts
Implementing cutting-edge computational approaches and algorithms
Implementing cutting-edge computational approaches and algorithms
Rationalizing puzzling experimental observations
Rationalizing puzzling experimental observations
Zacros is developed at UCL by the group of Michail Stamatakis and the Research Software Development Group
Zacros is developed at UCL by the group of Michail Stamatakis and the Research Software Development Group
Harnessing the power of massively parallel computing architectures
Harnessing the power of massively parallel computing architectures
Enabling high-fidelity simulations of complex materials
Enabling high-fidelity simulations of complex materials
Elucidating reaction mechanisms in synergy with experiments
Elucidating reaction mechanisms in synergy with experiments
Predicting the dynamic behavior of catalysts
Predicting the dynamic behavior of catalysts
Implementing cutting-edge computational approaches and algorithms
Implementing cutting-edge computational approaches and algorithms
Rationalizing puzzling experimental observations
Rationalizing puzzling experimental observations
Zacros is developed at UCL by the group of Michail Stamatakis and the Research Software Development Group
Zacros is developed at UCL by the group of Michail Stamatakis and the Research Software Development Group

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Website Updated!

The Zacros website has undergone a makeover! Some pages have been moved, but all the information and resources are still there. In addition, we have introduced a forum, which will hopefully engage our user community in active discussions about KMC simulation!

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