If you'd like to give Zacros a try but don't have expertise in kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulation, this section is for you! Even if you are an experienced reseacher you may also find the following resources useful, as they cover a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals behind KMC to the application thereof in cutting-edge catalysis studies.
The tutorials review the fundamentals of the KMC approach and provide step-by-step guidance in setting up KMC simulations with Zacros.
The forum gives users the opportunity to discuss anything related to KMC simulation and how to do things in Zacros. To contribute to the discussions you have to register.
The publications page, lists peer-reviewed journal articles that provide technical details on the algorithms implemented in Zacros, demonstrate the use of the software in original catalysis, surface science and materials science studies, and review the state-of-the-art of the KMC simulation field.