Zacros is the result of more than 15 person-years of development efforts by Michail Stamatakis and his group at UCL Chemical Engineering, in collaboration with the Research Software Development Group at the UCL Information Services Division, as well as UCL Business for the technology transfer activities. Our developers have backgrounds in Computational Physics and Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Applied Mathematics, and have undergone extensive training on software development.
Zacros is already used by numerous researchers for the kinetic modelling of heterogeneous catalytic systems and more. Our team strives to deliver user-friendly, professional quality software that can efficiently carry out demanding simulations. Here you can learn about our ongoing projects, focusing on further development of Zacros.
Our previous development efforts have incorporated a set of unique features into Zacros, for the convenient modelling of complex reaction kinetics encountered in realistic catalytic materials. The package was commercialised by UCL Business and was first released in Oct. 2013, after a long history of development. Information about completed projects is shown here.